Mammomonogamus laryngeus, Ryzhikov, 1948: A new Brazilian human case
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Mammomonogamus laryngeus
Syngamus laryngeus
human syngamiasis
Clinic-laboratorial diagnosis

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Maria Donini Souza Dias R, Célia Steffen Mangini A, M. A. Grispino Vieira Torres D, Marchi E. Mammomonogamus laryngeus, Ryzhikov, 1948: A new Brazilian human case. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1998 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];57(2):57-60. Available from:


Mammomonogamus laryngeus, Ryzhikov, 1948: A new brazilian human case. Mammomonogamus (Syngamus) laryngeus , commom parasite of upper respiratory tract at birds and mammals, unusually parasites the mano The new case of syngamosis in Brazil is described. The patient was a woman with a history of persistent and chronic cough and by bronchoscopy was removed two parasites, a couple, that were identified as M. laryngeus. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 57 (2):55-58, 1998.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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