Aspects of cadmium contamination in seafood collected in the Santos estuary, Baía da Guanabara and Baía de Todos os Santos
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cadmium traces, detection in fish, oyesters, crustacean
fish, oyesters, crustacean, cadmium detection
atomic absorption spectrophotometry

How to Cite

Toledo M de, Sakuma AM, Pregnolatto W. Aspects of cadmium contamination in seafood collected in the Santos estuary, Baía da Guanabara and Baía de Todos os Santos. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1983 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];43(1-2):15-24. Available from:


Atomic absorption spectrophotometry was employed for determination of the cadmium content of sea foods obtained in three places of Brazil's seashore: the bays of Santos (state of São Paulo), Guanabara (state of Rio de Janeiro) and Todos os Santos (state of Bahia). Less than 0.03 mg/kg of cadmium was found in 90% of 161 samples of which 85.7% was < 0.01 mg/kg. The mineralization of samples was ma de by dry-ashing.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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