The behavior regarding fermentation of lactose and hydrolysis of ortho-nitrophenyl-j3-D-galactopyranoside (ONPG) was studied in 7,351 strains of Salmonella typhimu?·ium. These strains were isolated from various biologícal and environmental materiaIs obtained in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, from 1971 to 1982. During the period 1971-1974, fast (24 hours) fermentation of lactose was observed in a predominant number of strains ísolated from human sources, particularly in hospitals, After 1975, there was a decrease in the frequency of strains rapidly fermentíng lactose. In spite of this decrease, the behavlor regarding hydrolysis of ONPG remained essentially constant. Also after 1975, more than 700/0 of the strains isolated showed a rapid hydrolysis of ONPG since almost all strains fermented lactose in 3 to 7 days. Strains of S. typhimuríum 05 + did not ferment lactose (15 days at 37°C) nor hydrolysed ONPG (24 hours at 37°C). All ONPG positive strains showed similar resistance profiles, the majority having 8 marks.
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