Blood smears from 256 specimens of wild birds captured alive in two field stations located in the state of São Paulo were analysed. After capture,
birds were classified, bled, identified with a ring and released. Of the 256 captured birds, 252 beloriged to the Order Passeriformes, while 4 to columbiformes. The blood was smeared, fixed and stained with Giemsa. In 35 (13.7%) of the smears, one or more species of hemoparasites were found. Plasmodium sp, was the most frequent and apeeared in 16birds (6.25%); microfilarias were found in 12 specimens (4.7%); Trypanosoma sp. in 5 specimens (2.0%); Haemoproteus sp. in 3 specimens (1.2%) and gametocytes of Leukoeyzoon sp, were found in one specimen. Except for an apparent higher frequency of microfilarias in birds from Itapetininga municipality, there was no clear difference between the localities.
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