Fifteen samplos of Acanthamoeba sp., one sarnple oí Naeçleria sp. and 2 samples of a mixture of Acanthamoeba sp, and Naegleria sp. were
í noculated to 10-12 g white mica, each sample to a lot of 5 mice. The f'ree-living amebas had been isolated from the stools of individuais from a nursery of São Paulo City. Under sligh t ether anesthesia, the mies received, through the nasal route, 0.04 ml of a suspension of amebas at concentrations of 3xl0 5 to 8xl0 6 trophozoits per m!. Six mice died spontaneously and the remaining were sacríficed after observation for 30 days. The brain, spleen and lung were ground and inoculated on Petri dishes wí th non-nutrient agar or non-nutrient aga r with salíne layered with heat-killed Aerobacter aerogenes. The plates were then incubated at 28 and 37 De and observed for 10 days. The pathogenicity for mice was dísclosed in 4 strains of Acanthamoeba sp, and in one sarnple of the mixture of Acantharnoeba sp. and Naegleria sp, Sections of some specimens of mouse tissues were mícroscopicallv examined and revealed inilammatory changes with predominance of lyrnphocvtes, plasma celIs and histiocytes. In some foci, amebas were present.
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