Variables influencing the growth of Triatoma infestans Klug 1834 in the laboratory. 2. Effects of handling on survival and fertility
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Triatoma infestans, survival, fertility, laboratory rearing

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Tolezano JE, Araújo M de FL de, Chieffi PP, Valentim AM, Ribeiro SS. Variables influencing the growth of Triatoma infestans Klug 1834 in the laboratory. 2. Effects of handling on survival and fertility . Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1984 Jun. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 8];44(1):81-6. Available from:


The effects of excessive handling on survival in each stage and on fertility of Triatoma infestans is examined. Eggs were randomly selected on the day of egg laying in a number that two groups, each of 180 nymphs, were obtained.
While one of the groups was not subjected to handlíng, the other was handled daily for weighing. The insects received meals at fixed intervals of 21 days which allowed them to become saciated. The time spent in each stage was always longer in the handled (test) group. In the control group, the whole evolution took a mean of 47 days less than the test group. ln the initial stages, the handled group showed a high mortality rate. Moreover, this test group showed frequent1y morphologic anomalies on reaching th e adult stage. On reaching the winged stage, the insects were mated and all control females laid fertile eggs, while in the test group all but one
female laid unfertile eggs. When insects of one group were mated with insects of the other group, several handled females laid fertile eggs. Considerations are ma de ou these effects of handling on the growth, survival and fertility of T. infestans under laboratory conditions.
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