Filth was detected in 131 sarnples of surplus-bread flour sold in the city of São Paulo. Two methods for extraction of light filth: pancreatin. and Tween-Versene methods were employed. The pancreatin method seemed to be more sensitive. It was found that 69.4% of the samples were contaminated with insect fragments and 19.8% with rodent hairs. The samples contaminated with insect fragments and rodent hairs are obviously improper for human consumption. The source of rodent hairs was apparently rodent feces which are potential transmitters of infections.
1. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF CEREAL CHEMISTS - Approved methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists. 8th ed. St. Paul, Minnesota, AACC, 1983. v. 1 (AACC method 28-31).
2. Ibid. (AACC method 28-60).
3. ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS - Official methods of analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 12nd ed. Washiugton, AOAC, 1975. p. 818. (Seccion 18.e52).
4. ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS - Official methods of analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists 13th ed. Washington, DC, AOAC, 1980. p. 793. (Seccion 44.055).
5. BRASIL. Leis, decretos etc. - Resolução nº 12/78 da Comissão Nacional de Normas e Padrões para Alimentos. Diário Oficial, Brasília, 24 jul. 1978. Seção I, pt. I, p. 11613-4. Aprova as Normas Técnicas Especiais do Estado de São Paulo, revistas pela CNNPA, relativas a alimentos (e bebidas).
6. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION Training manual for analytical entomo-
logy in the food indu8try, edited by J.R. Gorham. Washington, DC, FDA, 1977. p.
78-84 (FDA tech. buli. nº 2)
7. NICHOLSON, J.F. - Report on extraneous materials in cereal grains, cereal products, and confectíonery, J. Assoc. off. annal. Chem., 38: 264-66, 1955.
8. SÃO PAULO. Leis, decretos etc. - Decreto nº 12.486, de 20 de outubro de 1978. Diário Oficial, São Paulo, 21 out. 1978. p. 23 (NTA 47). Aprova Normas Técnicas Especiais Relativas a Alimentos e Bebidas.
2. Ibid. (AACC method 28-60).
3. ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS - Official methods of analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 12nd ed. Washiugton, AOAC, 1975. p. 818. (Seccion 18.e52).
4. ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS - Official methods of analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists 13th ed. Washington, DC, AOAC, 1980. p. 793. (Seccion 44.055).
5. BRASIL. Leis, decretos etc. - Resolução nº 12/78 da Comissão Nacional de Normas e Padrões para Alimentos. Diário Oficial, Brasília, 24 jul. 1978. Seção I, pt. I, p. 11613-4. Aprova as Normas Técnicas Especiais do Estado de São Paulo, revistas pela CNNPA, relativas a alimentos (e bebidas).
6. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION Training manual for analytical entomo-
logy in the food indu8try, edited by J.R. Gorham. Washington, DC, FDA, 1977. p.
78-84 (FDA tech. buli. nº 2)
7. NICHOLSON, J.F. - Report on extraneous materials in cereal grains, cereal products, and confectíonery, J. Assoc. off. annal. Chem., 38: 264-66, 1955.
8. SÃO PAULO. Leis, decretos etc. - Decreto nº 12.486, de 20 de outubro de 1978. Diário Oficial, São Paulo, 21 out. 1978. p. 23 (NTA 47). Aprova Normas Técnicas Especiais Relativas a Alimentos e Bebidas.
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