Passive hemagglutination test was performed in. sera from 189 patients suffering from leptospirosis. Sera were distributed into groups according to stages of illness. The resulta were compared with those obtained from the reference test (microscopic agglutination test). At the sixth to tenth days of illness, the largest number of positive results in the first sample were demonstrated by hemagglutination test, statistically signifieant at 10/0 leveI. The resulta suggest that passive hemagglutination test ean be employed for serologieal follow-up of tire various stages of leptospirosis.
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2. BUCK, A.A. & GART, J.J. - Comparison of a screening test and a reference test in
epidemiologie studies. I. Indiees of agreement and their relation to prevalence. Amer. J. Epidemiol., 83:586-92, 1966.
3. FAINE, S.; ADLER, B. & PALIT, A. - Chemieal, serological and biologieal properties of a serotype-speeifie polysaccharide antigen in Leptospira, Aust. J. exp, Biol, Med. Sci., 52 :311-9, 1974.
4. ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ - Group d'experts de l'OMS. Problemes aetuele dee recherches 8ur la leptospirose. Moscou, 1966. Rapport. Gineve, 1967. (Ser. rapp, techn. n.o 380).
5. RIBEIRO, M.A.; GODANO, A.; KAWARABAYASHI, M.; PIRES, R.B.R.; MELHEM, M.S.C.; VIANNA, T.H.S. & CAVALCANTE, Z.M.O. - Avaliação da prova de hemaglutinação passiva no diagnóstico da leptospirose humana. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 44 (1) :35-40, 1984.
6. RIBEIRO, M.A.; KAWARABAYASHI, M. & TAKEDA, A.K. - Imunodiagn.óstico da leptospirose humana. 1. Antígeno polissarídico para a prova de hemaglutinapão passiva. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 41:127-33, 1981.
7. RIBEIRO, M.A.; KAWARABAYASHI, M.; YAMADA, L.K.; TAKEDA, A.K. & CORRÊA, M.O.A. - Imunodiagnóstico de leptospirose humana. 2. Estudo comparativo das reações de soroaglutinação microscópica, hemaglutinação passiva e imunofluorescência indireta. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz; 41: 135-43, 1981.
8. SULZER, C.R.; GLOSSER, J.W.; ROGERS, F.; JONES, W.L. & FRIX, M. - Evaluation of a indirect hemagglutination test for the diagnosis of human leptospirosia. J. clin. Microbiol., 2 :218-21, 1975.
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