Samples of three commercial brands of grade B pasteurized milk were collected in São Paulo city, of which 36 were colleeted in 1980 and 12 in 1981. All samples were tested for the presence of residues of organochlorinated pesticides by using gas-Iiquid chromatography with electron-capture detector. The levels of residual pesticides ranged from 0.02 mg/kg to 0.70 mg/kg for total HCH and from 0.00 to 0.22 mg/kg for DDT summation. In 1981, the ranges were 0.10 to 0.33 mg/kg for total HCH and 0.00 to 0.10 mg/kg for DDT summation. The plot of medians showed higher values for HCH in 1980 compared with 1981 and the previously reported values for 1979. Low levels of Dieldrin were detected in 72% of the 1980 samples and in 50% of the 1981 samples. All values were calculated in milk fato.
consumido em São Paulo. Rev. Inst; Adolfo Lutz, 31: 13-20, 1971.
2. ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS - Official methods o] analysis of the Association of Official A nalytical Chemists. 12nd ed. Washington, AOAC, 1975. p. 523 (seção 29.012c).
3. BRASIL. Leis, decretos ete. - Portaria Gab/SNVS nº 22, de 18 de maio de 1984, da Secretaria Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária. Diário Oficial, Brasília, 22 de maio 1984. Seção I, p. 7228-72. Atribui à DINAL a compilação da relação de substâncias com ação tóxica sobre animais ou plantas. .. e dá a relação de substâncias com ação tóxica sobre animais e plantas.
4. BRASIL. Ministério da Agricultura. Secretaria Nacional de Defesa Agropecuária. Catálogo dos defensivos agrícolas. 2.& ed. Brasilia, 1980. 147 p.
5. LARA, W.H.; BARRETTO, H.H.C. & INOMATA, O.N.K. - Variação dos níveis de pesticidas organoclorados em leite consumido na cidade de São Paulo em 1979. Rev. Inst: Adolfo Lutz, 40:65-73, 1980.
6. MATSUMURA, F. - Tozicology of insecticides. New York, Plenum press, 1975. p. 60, 198.
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