Frequency of antibodies against type A and B influenza virus in inhabitants of São Paulo City, in 1982
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influenza virus, types A, B
antibodies against influenza virus
frequency in inhabitants of São Paulo City, Brazíl, 1982

How to Cite

Ishida MA, Sakakibara S, Yamaguchi A. Frequency of antibodies against type A and B influenza virus in inhabitants of São Paulo City, in 1982. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1985 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];45(1-2):53-9. Available from:


The hemaglutination-inhibiting antibodies against type A and type B influenza viruses were tested in 180 sera from 180 persons of various age groups of ínhabitants of São Paulo City. The specimes were collected in February 1982. The hígh percent of positives sera against strains A/SwiM/Iowa/15/30 (H,N,) in persons over 60 year old, and A/PR/8/34 (H,N,) in persons 40 to 49 year old slrowed that the persons were infected by this virus or varian.ts when they were children. The results with the strain A/Kumamoto/37/79 (H,N,) showed that the sera of persons 10 to 19 and 40 to 49 year old replayed in high percent of positives sera against the subtype H,N" from the primary infection in 1977 and 1947-1957 respectively. Subtype H.N 2 had not circulated in this population since the last pandcmíc in 1957. The strain A/Bangkok/l/79 (H3 N2 ) and A/Shiga/114/82 (H"N.) showed hlgh percent of positives sera in ali age groups, probably because of cross reaction among other antigenic variants of subtype H3N2• A strain of influenza related to B/Shiga/l/71 and B/Kanagawa/3j76 circulated in São Paulo but the infection by strain B/Shiga/75/81 was not disclosed in. the population studied
because both the percentages of positives sera and geometric mean of titers were slow in all age groups.
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