A physical method and an enzymatic digestion method were devided for verifying whether the torsion of collagen fibers composing catgut was satisfactory. In fact, improper torsion decreases the resistance to traction and to digestion. The physical method seems to be better than use of the tensiometer and it consists of making surgical knots on a pla te of suft rubber (preferably black and previously treated) which has consistency similar to that of striated muscle. Before undergoing physical examínation, catguts are previously treated in 7% saline solution. This method has been employed for quality control according to the orientation methods required by manufacturers and hospital, and also by the public-health administration. The catgut and its in vitro conducted for controlling the enzymatic digestion reproduces in vivo diges tion, of presence of foreign substances which are not present in the common conservativesbut which may be used for increasing the resistance to traction and digestion.
2. BRITISH Pharmacopoeía, 1963, published under the direction of the General Medical Couneil. official from January 1964. 110." ed.] London, General Medical Couneil, c1963. p. 963-4.
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5. FARMACOPÉlA dos Estados Unidos do Brasil. 2." ed. São Paulo, Siqueira, 1959. p. 464-7.
6. FARMACOPÉlA brasileira. 3.8 ed. São Paulo, Andrei, 1977. p. 898-902.
7. HEDON, E. - Precis de ph-isiologia. 11." ed. Porto Alegre, Globo, 1944. p. 429-30,
8. The MERCK índex, an encyclopedia of chemicals and drugs. 8th ed. Rahway, N.Y., Merck, 1968. p. 502-50.
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11. The UNITED STATES pharmacopeia. Rock-ville, Md., USP, 1980. p. 759-60.
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