Samples of four types of flour, 612 samples of wheat flour, 130 of cassava flour, 100 of corn flour, and 173 of corn meal were examined for
sanitary quality. Recovery of litght filth such as insect fragments, whole insects, mites, rodent hair, was ma de by tlre pancreatin digestion method. It was found that 43% of the wheat flour samples, 2% of the cassava flour samples, 9% of the corn flour sarnples, and 8% of the corn meal samples were in unsanitary conditions; while 4% of the wheat fiou"!" samples, 120/0 of cassava flour sarnples, 5% of corn flour samples and 30/0 of the corn meal samples were unfit for human consumption. It is suggested that the Alimentary Codex be modified to tolerate up to 10 insect fragments per 30 g of flour.
American Association 01 Cereal Chemists. 8th ed. St. Paul, Minnesota, AACC, 1983. v. 1 (AACC method 28-31).
2. ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS - Official methods 01 analysi8 of the AS80ciation of Oflicial Analytical Chemists. 13th ed. Washington., DC, AOAC, 1980. p. 793. (Seccion 4.{)55).
3. .BRASIL. Leis, decretos etc, - Resolução nº 12/78 da Comissão Nacional de Normas e Padrões para Alimentos. Diário Oficial, Brasília, 24 jul. 1978. Seção I, pt. I, p. 11.506-7. Aprova as Normas Técnicas Especiais do Estado de São Paulo, revistas pela CNNPA, relativas a alimentos (e bebidas).
4. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION Training manual for analytical entomo-
logy in the food industr, edited by J.R. Gorham. Washington, DC, FDA, 1977. p.
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5. KITELEY, E.J. - Some collaborative invéstigations on, methods for isolating extraneous material from white flour. J. Assoc. off, anal. Chem., 37:139-47, 1955.
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7. SAO PAULO. Leis, decretos etc. - Decreto nº 12.486, de 20 de outubro de 1978. Diário Oficial, São Paulo, 21 out. 1978, p. 17. (NTA 34, NTA 35). Aprova Normas Técnicas Especiais Relativas a Alimentos e Bebidas.
8. TERBUSH, L.E. - The medical significance of mites of stored food. FDA by-lines,
2: 57-70, 1972.
9. ZAMBONI, C.Q. & RODRIGUES, R.M.M.S. - Comparação entre os métodos de extração de sujidades em farinha de rosca. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 45 (1/2) : 13-20, 1985.
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