Levels of preservative substances intentionally added to natural fruit juices sold in Brazil
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fruit juices, natural, determination of sulphur dioxide and benzoic acid in
sulphur dioxide, benzoic acid in natural fruit juices, determination

How to Cite

Yabiku HY, Takahashi MY, Martins MS, Heredia R, Zenebon O. Levels of preservative substances intentionally added to natural fruit juices sold in Brazil. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1987 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];47(1-2):65-7. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/36894


The sulphur dioxide and benzoic acid content was determined in 473 samples of commercial natural fruit juices on sale in Brazil. The samples included 19 different fruit flavors furnished by 28 manufacturers. The sulphur dioxide levels varied from less than 10 mg/kg (sensitivity limit of the analytical method employed) up to 1,439 mg/kg. The maximum levei tolerated by Brazilian laws (200 mg/kg) was violated by 51% of the samples tested. Only 6 samples showed a levei of benzoic acid which was slightly above the tolerated level (1,000 mg/kg).

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