It was analysed 248 samples of well's water in two areas: one considered as a middle-high social community, with treated water supply and wastewater disposal recent1y provided, and the other considered as a middle-Iow social area, without those sanitarian services. This research was conducted during 12 months, with weekly collectings of 12 points in each area, seeking to observe the monthly data of each point. The analytical determinations were chemical and microbiological. Results indicated low, practically insignificant, chemical contamination by
ammoniacal and albuminal nitrogen, nitrite and nitrate in well's water from the area classified as middle-high. Otherwise, these contaminants were found in significant levels in well's water from the other area. The microbiological study has shown the presence of group coliform bacteria, fecal origin coliforms and bacteriophages anti Eseheriehia eo/i and Shigella sonnei in both areas. The phage distribution was not similar in these areas. Coliphage's quote was higher in the middle-high social community, where Shigella-phage was only found in summer months. In the other area, Shigella-phage was more frequent in winter months, when it was observed a depression of fecal origin coliforms.
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