Light filth and adulteration in chocolate
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chocolate, adulteration
chocolate, filth, microscopical detection in

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Zamboni C de Q, Alves HI, Rodrigues RMM, Spiteri N, Atui MB, Batistic MA. Light filth and adulteration in chocolate. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1988 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 2];48(1-2):37-41. Available from:


Samples of chocolate and chocolate bars - 67 samples of chocolate powder (50g each) and 73 of chocolate bars (100g each), amounting to 140 samples of cocoa products were analyzed for light filth by the OfficiaI Methods of AnaIysis of the AOAC 14th edition with modifications and for adulteration. It was concluded that 92,14% from the 140 cocoa product samples did not contain more than 10 insect fragments. Rodent hairs were detected in 2,14% from the 140 samples and mites were detected in 2,50%. It was suggested that the Brazilian legislation could tolerate until 10 insect fragments per 50g of cocoa powder or 10 insect fragments per 100g of chocolate and chocolate bars. It was suggested too that the legislation do not tolerate rodent hairs or mites in these products. The most encountered adulteration were the addition of maize starch to chocolate and soya flour to chocolate powder and chocolate bars. 10,07% of 140 samples were adultered with maize starch and 8,5% of the samples were adultered with soya flour.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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