Bacterial meningitis. I. Interference of antimicrobial drugs in cerebrospinal fluid for etiological diagnosis
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meningitis, bacterial, laboratorial diagnosis
meningitis, bacterial, anti- microbial drugs interference in etiological elucidation

How to Cite

Melles CEA. Bacterial meningitis. I. Interference of antimicrobial drugs in cerebrospinal fluid for etiological diagnosis. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1988 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];48(1-2):43-7. Available from:


Cerebrospinal tluid (CSF) samples from 641 patients who were cJinically suspected that were suffering from bacterial meningitis were analyzed. The presence of antimicrobial drugs was detected in 247 (38.50%)samples. The etiological agent was identified in 388 (60.53%) samples by means of bacteriological procedures and counter-immunoelectrophoresis (ClE) assay for antigen detection. lt was observed that the occurrence of antimicrobial drugs in
CSF significantly decreases the finding of etiological agent (p<0,05), and the chemoterapeutic agent's concentrations, measured by the size of inibition zone, were significantly smaller in those samples where the etiological agent was identified (p<O,05). According to lhese data, the presence of antimicrobial drugs in CSF may interfere with the laboratorial diagnosis for identification of bacterial meningitis' etiological agent.
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