Thin-layer chromatography of preparations from Allium sativum L.
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garlic (Allium sativum), hidroalcoholic extract of, identification
garlic, essential oil of, identification
pharmaceuticals, garlic hidroalcoholic extract in, detection
pharmaceuticals, garlic essential oil in, detection
oils, garlic essential oil detection
thinlayer chromatograph

How to Cite

Hoppen VR, Auricchio MT, Batistic MA. Thin-layer chromatography of preparations from Allium sativum L. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1989 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];49(1):5-10. Available from:


By using thin-Iayer chromatography the detection of characteristic substances contained in garlic such as the compounds responsible by the scent and those of aminoacid nature were investigated. Such study was made by analyzing hidroaIcoholic extracts and preparations containing histologic elements of Allium sativum L. Two thin-Iayer chromatographic systems were selected in order to detect these two groups of compounds in preparations containing garlic oil or garlic hydroalcoholic extract.
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