Samples of three types of spaghetti, 50 units of wheat macaroni, 50 units of semolina macaroni and 50 units of egg macaroni, were examined for sanitary quality and for the comparison of acid hidrolysis method and pancreatin digestion method for light filth such as insect fragments, whole insects, insect larvae, mites, rodent hairs. The acid hidrolisis method seemed to be more sensitive for recovery of light filth; in 53 samples the counts of insect fragments was twice more than pancreatin method when the method employed was the acid hidrolysis method; and in 14 samp1es the counts of insect fragments were five times superior. The acid hidrolysis method is considerably less time consuming until the microscope results are available and results in filter papers c1ean, easy to examine; use more inexpensive and readly
available reagents and the analyst is required in shorter time. It was suggested that the AOAC and AACC acid hidrolysis method be modified in the detergent wash step. Results showed that wheat flour macaroni samples were in a poorer quality than the semolina macaroni and egg macaroni in relation to insect fragments, the mostly encountered defect. It was suggested that the Brazilian legislation could tolerate up to 30 insect fragments per 225g of macaroni, since 40% of the 150 samples were in the limit of 30 insect fragments in 225g of sample. It was suggested that the legislation do not tolerate rodent hairs, mites alive or dead, whole insect alive or dead or insect larvae ali ve or dead.
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3. ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS - Official methods of analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 14th ed. Washington, D.e., A.O.A.C., 1984. p. 902. [Tecn.44.064].
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