The occurence of chlorinated pesticide residues in bovine meat and comparison of the levels among various regions of the state of Minas Gerais, were studied. Gas liquid chromatography with electron capture detection was employed. Residual a BHC and I' BHC, Dieldrin and p, p' DDT were detected. The mean quantities were 0.29 mg/kg (ppm) for total BHC; 0.02 mg/kg (ppm) for Dieldrin and 0.01 mg/kg (ppm) for p,p'DDT. Meat from cattle raised in the most developed agricultural regions of the state showed the highest residual yalues. No significant difference between meats from female and mal e cattle was observed.
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2. ALMEIDA, W. F. - Bases para avaliação toxicológica de resíduos de pesticidas e estabelecimentos de tolerância em alimentos. Biológico, S. Paulo, 34 :235-45, 1968.
3. ALMEIDA, W. F. - Praguicidas em veterinária e os problemas de seus resíduos. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE MEDICINA VETERINÁRIA, 14.°, São Paulo, 1974 14p.
4. ASSOCIAÇÁO BRASILEIRA DE INDÚSTRIA QUíMICA, São Paulo. - A indústria química brasileira. São Paulo, 1978. p.82-9.
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6. BRASIL. Comissão Nacional de Normas e Padrões para Alimentos - Pesticidas em estudo no G. T. 2. Brasília, Minist. Saúde, 1977.
7. BROOKS, G. T. - Mechanism of resistance of the adult housefly to ciclodiene insecticide. Nature, London, 186: 96-8, 1960.
8. DICKES, G.J. & NICHOLAS, P. U. - A survey of selected foodstuffs for certain pesticides residues. J. Assoe. 011. publ. Anal., 7: 14-21, 1969.
9. DUGGAN, R.E.; BARRY, H.C. & JOHNSON,L.Y. - Residues in foods and feeds. Pesticides residues in total diet sample. Pestic, Monit. J., 1 :2-12, 1967.
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13. MINAS GERAIS. Secretaria do Planejamento. 2.0 Plano Mineiro de Desenvolvimento Econômico-Social. Lei n.O 6693, 1976/79. Belo Horizonte, Secreto Planejamento, 1975. p.53.
14. STIJVE, J.C. & CARDINALE, E. - Rapid determination of chlorinated pesticide polychlorinated biphenyls and number of phosphated pesticides in fatty foods. Mitt. Geb . Lebensmittelinters. U. Hyg.,
65: 131-50, 1974.
15. STREET, J. C. - Ecological system domestic animais research in pesticides. New York, Academic Press, 1965. 520 p.
16. VAN MIDDELEM, C.H. - Incidental pesticides in f'oods. In: GRAHAM et alii -- The safety of f oode, New York, AVI, 1968. p. 324-57.
17. WILKINSON, A.T.S.; FINLAYSON, D.G. & MORLEY, H. V. - Toxic residues in soil 9 years after treatment with aldrin and heptachlor. Science, Wash., D. C., 143:681-2, 1964.
18. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION Pesticides residues in food. Joint FAO/WHO Meeting, 1972. Genebra, 1973. 47 p. [WHO techn. rep. ser. 525].
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