Levels of BHC and DDT contamination of fishes, shrimps and oysters collected in Santos littoral, state of São Paulo, Brazil
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BHC in fish, determination
DDT in fish, determination
fish, determination of BHC and DDT
residual organe-chlorinated pesticides, BHC, DDT

How to Cite

Lara WH, Barreto HH, Inomata ON. Levels of BHC and DDT contamination of fishes, shrimps and oysters collected in Santos littoral, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1980 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];40(1):29-33. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/36965


Fifty samples of fishes, shrimps and oysters collected in Santos littoral were tested for the presence of BHC and DDT. Gas-liquid chromatography with electron-capture detection was employed. Isomers of BHC were found in 84% of the samples, the leve!s ranging from 10 to 940 f.Lg/kg (ppb) of total BHC. Isomers and metabolites of DDT were found in 8% of the samplos, th e levels ranging from 20 to 41 f.Lg/kg (ppb ) of total DDT.

pdf (Português (Brasil))


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