In 1970, CORRf:A et alii evidenced the introduction of Biornphalaria strarninea in São Paulo through iishes proceeding irom Amazonas and Ceará, whích were placed into ponds oi breeding in Barra Bonita and Americana, São Paulo. Because of this iact and acco rdi ng to the previous surveys about the introduction of Schistosorna mansoni vectors in Australia, through importation of aquaria from Hong-Kong, th e authors regarded to search the aquaria commercialized in São Paulo city, Brazil. The ornamental fishes studied in this wo rk proceed irom abroad and northeastern Brazil, and the aquatic plants from several areas
of country. It were visited eleven special branch shops and it was evidenced the existence of Schistosoma rnansoni vectors in nine of them; B. strarninea, the most important vector in northeast area was found in eight shops and B. tenagophila in three. In view of the constant immigration of northeastern people to São Paulo, and the present expansion of Manson's schistosomiasis increases the interest in finding new mechanisms for planorbids dispersion, to demand proper measures of epidemiological vigilance.
2. MEIER-BROOK, C.M. - A snai! intermediatc host of Schistosoma mansoni in troduced to Hong-Kong. Geneva, WHO, s.d. (WHO/ SCHISTO /75.37)
3. PARAENSE, W.L. - The distribution of th e mulluscan vectors of schistosomiasis in the Americas. Bvaeilia méd., 11: 11-14, 1975.
4. PARAENSE, W.L. - Estado atual da sistemática dos planorbídeos brasileiros (Mullusca, Gastropoda). Arq. Mus. nac. Rio de J., 55: 105-128, 1975.
5. PARAENSE, W.L. - Fauna planorbídica do Brasil. In: LACAZ, C.S.; BARUZZI, R.G. & SIQUEIRA JR., W. - Introdução à geografia médica do Brasil. São Paulo, Edgard Blücher/EDUSP, 1972. p. 213-39.
6. RAMOS, A.S.; PIZA, J.T.; PINTO, G.E.; TION, T.; FLEURY, G.C.; MORAES, L. V.C. & CAMPOS, L.L. - Focos ativos de esquistossomose mansoni no Vale do Ribeira, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Rev. Saúde Pública, 3 :59-65, 1969.
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