During the period of January to March 1976, it was analysed
the eontamination with enterobaeteria and its mechanism of introduction and ma in tenunce in 12 nurserics of Munieipality of São Paulo. 4001 samples obtained from food, subungual arca, faeees and environment were examined. It was detected
f acca l contamination in variable degree in ali of the nurseries, incIuding obstetric wards and milk dispensaries. Th e pereentual variation of eontamination permitted to divide the nu rse ri es in two groups: the first, consists of scve n nurserics which contamination degree was from 4.9% to 8.7% an the second varying from 14.4% to 25.2<;:1,;.The finding of 38 strains of entcropathog-enic bacteria in a half of nurseries, in va rious environmental localizations, demonstrates that these entero-pathogens belonged to normal microbiota. The percentual average of positivity in faceal contamination from hospital staff's subunguel area was 24.6S'é. The findingaf enteropathogens in faeces samples from new-born babies showed an elevation in percentual of posi tivity, in proportion to the prolangation of them in nurseries. At present, in our environment, the enteropathogens isalated from hospital staff do not present an epidemiologieal signifieance, as their serotypes are different when compared with those isolated from new-born babies environment and faeces. According to the spectrum of resistance and sensitivity of the strains of enteropathogens baeteria to antimicrobial drugs, the authors divide them in
two g roups which present an epidemiologieal importanee. DESCRIPTORS: eross-infeetion; Salmrmella t.uph imurium ; So.lmo nellu sp.; Eecherich ia cozi GEI; hospital infections; salmoneIlosis; Erüerobo.ct eric ceo e infections.
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