Determination of β-asarone in alcoholic beverages
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B-asarone in alcoholic beverages, determination
flavor (calamus oil ) in alcoholic beverages
calamus oil in alcoholic beverages
alcoholic beverages, flavor
oil, calamus, in alcoholic beverages

How to Cite

Yabiku HY, Lajolo FM. Determination of β-asarone in alcoholic beverages. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1980 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];40(2):135-4. Available from:


In order to evalu a te the presence of calamus oil in alco ho lic beverages, a qua n ti ta tive de tcrminati on of i ts active principIe f3-asarone was p er Io rmed, by means of two diffcren t methods: fl uo rome t r ic and gas liquid ch roma tograph y, and accomplished with a tomic mass spect rophotcme tric a nalysis. In 56 sarriples of alcoh ol ic beverages of 18 different brands, only one demonstrated to be in higher coritcn t tha n th e permittcd limit of 1 ppm, de tc rmi ned by Europe Counci!. The f3-asarone contents varied from O ~o 4.96 p pm. It was suggested to employ the gas liquid chromatography technique as official method for determination of f3-asarone in alcoholic beverages, since it is more specif ic than fluo r ime tr ic me tho d.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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