Lysotypes and fermentative types of Salmonella typhi isolated in the state of São Paulo
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Hofer E, Novaes JRC, Pessôa GV Álvares. Lysotypes and fermentative types of Salmonella typhi isolated in the state of São Paulo. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1972 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];32(1-2):7-15. Available from:


The distribution of lisotypes and fermentarive types, according to Kristensen's cheme, in 201 samples of Solmonella typhi isolated in São Paulo, S.P. Brazil, from 1966 to 1971 was analvsed. Lisotypes A (37,81%), E 1 a (27,36%), F 1 (5,97%), negative vi-samples (5,97%) and L 1 (4,47%) were the most prevalent. In respect to the biochemical classification, 50,74% of the samples ware classified as of type I, 48,25% as of type II and 0,99% as of type III respectively.
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