Drug resistance of 375 strains of Escherichia colt originated from animals source to tetracycline, kanamycin, cephalotin, hetacylin and to streptomycin were determined.
The verification of infectious drug resistance expressed by the organisms used as
donors were done by means of conjugation with the recipient strains of Escherichiacoli
K 12 (K12, 712R, and K12, J5F-). The ana1ysis of the results showed that almost ali Escherichia colistrains examined
appeared to be simultaneously resistant to two or three of these .relared drugs, arising clearly with higher incidence the last one's. .
However, the most founded R factor in Escherichia coli strains originated from animal sources, were mainly integrated by resistance markers for sulphadyazine, chloramphenicol, and for tetracycline.
Moreover, none of multiple drug resistant strains with its R - factors carrying resistance markers for hetacylin, cephalotin and kanamycin, and those that appeared to be single drug resistant with resistartce marker only for sulphadyazine, chloramphenicol or tetracycline, were alI enable to act as transmissible strains for this purpose.
ln addition, those cultures who had been characterized for drug resistance to two or three of the above mencioned drugs, were capable to transfer its resistance markers to the recepient strains, remaining the S-C resistant strains enable to do so.
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