Chlorinated pesticide residues were determined by gas liquid chromatography with electron capture detector in 59 water samples received for chemical examination of potability at the Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, Brazil. The results indicate presence of BHC residues (alpha, beta and gama isomers) in alI samples examined; DDT was found only in 3 samples and traces of aldrin in just one. The levels found indicate that contamination by these pesticides in waters of São Paulo, S.P., Brazil, is not very great at the present.
1. ALMEIDA, M.E.W. & BARRETO, H.H.C. Resíduos de pesticídas clorados em leite, consumido em São Paulo. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 31: 13-20, 1971.
2. ALMEIDA, W.F. - Poluição ambiental por pesticidas. São Paulo, 1972. p.6.[Mimiogr.]. Aula proferida durante o Curso de Toxicologia de Defensivos Agrícolas, Instituto Biológico, São Paulo, 3 de abril de 1972.
3. ASSOCIATIDN OF OFFICIAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS - Official methods 01 anatyns of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. l Ith ed. Washington, D.C., A.D.A.C.,1970.
4. BARTHEL, W.F.; HAWTHORN, J.C.; FORD, 1.H.; BOLTON, G.C.; McDOWELL, L.L.; GRISSINGER, E.H. & PARSONS, DA - Pesticides residues ín sedíments af the lower Mississipi tiver and its tributaries, Pestic. Monit. I., 3: 8-66,1969.
5. BROWN, E. & NISHIOKA, Y.A. - Pesticides in selected western streams, A contribution to the National Prograrn. Pestic. Monít.
1.,1: 38-46,1967.
6. CASPER, V.L.; HAMMERSTROM, R.J.; ROBERTSON Jr, E.A.; BUGG Jr, LC. & GAINES, J.L. - Study of chlorinated pesticides in oysters and estuarine environment of the Mobile Bay area. U. S. Dept. Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, Bureau of Water and Hugiene, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1969, 47p.
7. COHEN, LM.; PICKERING, Q.H.; WOOD· WARD, R.L. & VAN HEUVELEN, W.- Effecto of the fish poisons on water supplies. Part 3. Field study at Dickinsono J. Am. Wat. Wks Ass., 53: 233-246,
8. HAMMERSTON, R.J.; RUSSEL, R.T; TYO, R.M.; ROBERTSON Jr., E.A.; GAINES, LL. & BUGG Jr., LC. - Study oj pesticides in shelfish and estuarine areas of Louisiana. U.S. Dept. Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1967. 26p.
9. INSTITUTO ADOLFO LUTZ - Determínaçâo de resíduos de pesticidas organoclorados em alimentos. Definições e considerações gerais. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 31: 125-132, 1971.
10. LARA, W.H.; BARRETO, H.H.C. & TAKAHASHI, M.Y. - Resíduos de pesticidas clorados em conservas de carne bovina. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 31: 63-70, 1971.
11. LlCHTENSTEIN, E.P. - Movement of inseticides in soils under leaching and non liaching conditions. J. Econ. Ent., 51: 380-383, 1958.
12. MODIN, J.C. - Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides in California bays and estuaries. Pestic. Monit. r..3: 1-7, 1967.
13. NICHOLSON, H.P.; GRZENDA, A.R.; LAVER, G.J.; COX, W.S.; & TEASLEY, J.I. - Water pollution by insecticides in an agricultural ríver basin. 1. Occurence of insecticides in river and treated municipal water. Limnol. Oceanogr., 9: 310-317,1964.
14. SMIUI, G.E. & ISOM, B.G. - Investigation of effects of large-scale applications of 2,4-D on aquatic fauna and water quality. Pestic .. Monit, L, 1: 16-21, 1967.
15. SPARR, B.I.; APPLEBY, W.G.; DeVRIES, D.M.; OSMUN, J.V.; McBRlDE, J.M. & FOSTER, G.L. - Insecticide residues in water ways from agricultural use. In GOUND, R.F., ed - Organic pesticides in the environment. Washington, D.C., American Chemical Society, 1966. p.146-162.
16. TARRANT, K.R. & TATTON, J. O.G. - Organoch1orine pesticides in rainwater in the British Isles. Nature (London),219: 725-727,1968.
17. REPORT. Comrnissíon on pestícíde and theíi relationship to environmental health, Washington, D.e., 1969. Part I & n,
p. 122.
2. ALMEIDA, W.F. - Poluição ambiental por pesticidas. São Paulo, 1972. p.6.[Mimiogr.]. Aula proferida durante o Curso de Toxicologia de Defensivos Agrícolas, Instituto Biológico, São Paulo, 3 de abril de 1972.
3. ASSOCIATIDN OF OFFICIAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS - Official methods 01 anatyns of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. l Ith ed. Washington, D.C., A.D.A.C.,1970.
4. BARTHEL, W.F.; HAWTHORN, J.C.; FORD, 1.H.; BOLTON, G.C.; McDOWELL, L.L.; GRISSINGER, E.H. & PARSONS, DA - Pesticides residues ín sedíments af the lower Mississipi tiver and its tributaries, Pestic. Monit. I., 3: 8-66,1969.
5. BROWN, E. & NISHIOKA, Y.A. - Pesticides in selected western streams, A contribution to the National Prograrn. Pestic. Monít.
1.,1: 38-46,1967.
6. CASPER, V.L.; HAMMERSTROM, R.J.; ROBERTSON Jr, E.A.; BUGG Jr, LC. & GAINES, J.L. - Study of chlorinated pesticides in oysters and estuarine environment of the Mobile Bay area. U. S. Dept. Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, Bureau of Water and Hugiene, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1969, 47p.
7. COHEN, LM.; PICKERING, Q.H.; WOOD· WARD, R.L. & VAN HEUVELEN, W.- Effecto of the fish poisons on water supplies. Part 3. Field study at Dickinsono J. Am. Wat. Wks Ass., 53: 233-246,
8. HAMMERSTON, R.J.; RUSSEL, R.T; TYO, R.M.; ROBERTSON Jr., E.A.; GAINES, LL. & BUGG Jr., LC. - Study oj pesticides in shelfish and estuarine areas of Louisiana. U.S. Dept. Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1967. 26p.
9. INSTITUTO ADOLFO LUTZ - Determínaçâo de resíduos de pesticidas organoclorados em alimentos. Definições e considerações gerais. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 31: 125-132, 1971.
10. LARA, W.H.; BARRETO, H.H.C. & TAKAHASHI, M.Y. - Resíduos de pesticidas clorados em conservas de carne bovina. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 31: 63-70, 1971.
11. LlCHTENSTEIN, E.P. - Movement of inseticides in soils under leaching and non liaching conditions. J. Econ. Ent., 51: 380-383, 1958.
12. MODIN, J.C. - Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides in California bays and estuaries. Pestic. Monit. r..3: 1-7, 1967.
13. NICHOLSON, H.P.; GRZENDA, A.R.; LAVER, G.J.; COX, W.S.; & TEASLEY, J.I. - Water pollution by insecticides in an agricultural ríver basin. 1. Occurence of insecticides in river and treated municipal water. Limnol. Oceanogr., 9: 310-317,1964.
14. SMIUI, G.E. & ISOM, B.G. - Investigation of effects of large-scale applications of 2,4-D on aquatic fauna and water quality. Pestic .. Monit, L, 1: 16-21, 1967.
15. SPARR, B.I.; APPLEBY, W.G.; DeVRIES, D.M.; OSMUN, J.V.; McBRlDE, J.M. & FOSTER, G.L. - Insecticide residues in water ways from agricultural use. In GOUND, R.F., ed - Organic pesticides in the environment. Washington, D.C., American Chemical Society, 1966. p.146-162.
16. TARRANT, K.R. & TATTON, J. O.G. - Organoch1orine pesticides in rainwater in the British Isles. Nature (London),219: 725-727,1968.
17. REPORT. Comrnissíon on pestícíde and theíi relationship to environmental health, Washington, D.e., 1969. Part I & n,
p. 122.
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