A method for the separation and ídentification of small amounts of DDT and BHC through the thin layer chromatography in silica gel is presented. The diphenylamine was used as a chromogenic reagent with exposition to ultraviolet light. The two pesticides, after the development have been eluted from the chromatoplates and hydrolysed with potassium hydroxide; the chloride íon resulting was precipitated by silver nitrate and determined by turbidimetry. It was verified that there was a linear variation of the absorption in function of the amounts of the pesticides, in the order of a milligrarn tenths amounts.
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4. PRADO, A.B,; LARINI, L.; CARVALHO, D. & SILVA, H.C. - Método turbidimétrico para a determinação de inseticidas clorados. Cienc. Cult. (Supl.), 23: 43, 1971. Resumo.
2. ADAMOVIé, V.M. apud PETIT, D. - Uti lization de la diphénylarnine en combinaison avec l'acide chlorydrique comme agent' général de révélation des pesticides. Rerue Ferment, Ind. Aliment ., 25: 190-195,1970.
3. ALMElDA, N.F.; PIEDADE, I.R. & SOUZA, D. - Química dos pesticidas. São Paulo, Fundo de Pesquisas do Instituto Biológico de São Paulo, 1962.
4. PRADO, A.B,; LARINI, L.; CARVALHO, D. & SILVA, H.C. - Método turbidimétrico para a determinação de inseticidas clorados. Cienc. Cult. (Supl.), 23: 43, 1971. Resumo.
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