Samples of several foods for sale in São Paulo, S.P., Brazíl, such as rice, beans, potatoes, eggs and vegetables have been examined by means of the gas liquid chromatography method, with electron capture detector, in order to determine the chlorinated pesticide residues. Hexachlorocyclohexane (BHCl alfa, beta and gama isomers were found in ali the samples analysed. DDT was found in only few samples of the grains and vegetables. Other organochlorinated pesticides residues have not been found. These results as well those of our previous surveys allowed us to calculate that the daíly intake of BHC by the population, according to a certain diet, isO,0004 mg/kg body wt/day. More than half of the daily intake is accounted for by foods of animal origino The
problem of remanescence of pesticides in foods ín São Paulo differs from that found in European countries and in U.S.A., where the major contamination is due to DDT.
2. ASSOCIATON OF OFFICIAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS - Official methods of analysis. 11th ed. Washington, A.O.A.C., 1970.
3. BRASIL. Comissão Permanente de Aditivos para Alimentos - Resolução nº 23/66. Diário Oficial da União, Rio de Janeiro, 22 fev. 1967. p, 2193.
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Pestic. Monit. J., 2: 153-162, 1969.
7. INSTITUTO ADOLFO LUTZ - Determinação de resíduos de pesticidas organocIorados em alimentos. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 32: 125-132,1971.
8. LARA, W.H.; BARRETTO, H.H.C. & TAKAHASHI, M.Y. - Resíduos de pesticidas cIorados em conservas de carne bovina. Rev, Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 31: 63-70, 1971.
9. LARA, W.H. & BARRETO, H.H.C. - Resíduos de pesticidas clorados em águas. Rev, Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 32, 1972. [No prelo].
10. ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ - Résidus de pesticides dans les produits alimentaires. Rapport de Ia réunion conjointe du Group de travail FAO d'experts des résidus de pesticides et du Group OMS d'experts des résidus de pes-
ticides, tenue en 1969. Genêve, O.M.S., 1970. Sér. Rapp. Techn. nº 458.
11. SANTIAGO, O.F. - Consumo de alimentos. [Rio de Janeiro] .Mínístérío da Saúde, 1971.[Mimeografado] .
12. ZABIK, M.E. & DUGGAN Jr., L.R. - Potential of freeze drying for removal of chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides from eggs. J. Food Sci., 36: 87-92, 1971.
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