Contents of calcium, iron and phosphorus in some Brazilian freshwater fishes
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Camargo LAA, Yasaka WJ, Oga S, Waki K. Contents of calcium, iron and phosphorus in some Brazilian freshwater fishes. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1972 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];32(1-2):113-7. Available from:


The contents of calcium, phosphorus and iron of the five freshwater fish species Prochilodusscrofa (corimbatá), Leporinus copelandi (piava), Salminus maxillosus (dourado); Pimelodus clarias (mandiúva) and Leporinus piapara (piapara) were determined. The variation of the calcium concentration between the species studied was significant, the highest values being found in the piapara, corimbatá and dourado and the lowest values in the piava and mandiúva.
The contents of phosphorus equally varied according to the species, the dourado presenting the highest concentration and the piava the lowest. The contents of iron was relatively constant, except for the piapara which presented ávalue significantly high. In all the species analysed, the proportion between the components calcium and phosphorus were slightly inferior in respect to those usually accepted as standard. The data obtained in comparison with those of the specialized literature suggest that the freshwater fishes are generalIy richer in minerals than the marine fishes.
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