Maintenance of Microsporum canis cultures by lyophilization (observation after a period of 20 years)
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fungi cultures conservation
fungi lyophilization

How to Cite

Ashcar H. Maintenance of Microsporum canis cultures by lyophilization (observation after a period of 20 years). Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1973 Dec. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];33(1-2):7-11. Available from:


The macroscopic and microscopíc characteristics of MiCTospoTum canis cultures obtained f'rorn preparations which had been lyophilized and stored in the refrigerator (± 4°C) for 20 years, were analysed. The lyophilized cultures showed the same morphological characteristics and pígmentatíon as the original sample. The author believes that lyophilization is a satisfactory method to preserve viability and to prevent degeneration and pleornorphysrn of cultures of Microsporum canis Bodin, 1902, for a very extended period.
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