The Visibl e Vert ic al Mar gin Filin g System (Vísire cor d) had be en use d du e to it s ess enti all y ope rati ve handl ing feat ures in add it ion to the facilities in prov iding fast and accur ate inf ormati on on th e coll ect ion of serial s publicati ons. Along wíth the ret rosp ective catalog ing , the regi stration of volum es and colle ctí ons was compl eted as th ís practi ce was not adopt ed in th e Library in th e pasto Regist ration s we re made in two separat e books - one fo r coll ectíons and on e for volum es - for th ese items . belon g to . the Institution patrimony . 'I'hís work took twcvears to be compl eted and the us e of this verti ca l sys tern as a librari an compl ement ary catalog íng method has demoristrated to be inter ely positiv e. Its main pur poses arec onc erned to the acquísí tíon. corre spondenc e on th e publications and th e entir...
2.LERCHE , 1.; ANDRADE , M. T.D. & POBLACION, D. A. - Catalogação de publicações seriadas: aplicação do sistema vertical VISIrecord nos catálogos internos. São Paulo, VISIcontrol [1969, reimpr. 1971].
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