The finding of the following rats parasites in specímens
from the São Paulo are a, Brazil, is described in this paper: 1. Entamoeba histolytica was found in three specimens of Orpeo-
mys sp , to which it caused lesíons in the large bowel. 2. H epaiozoon sp, was found in abone marrow slide, als o per-
taíníng to an Oryzomys specírnen. 3. Haemobcrionella muris was found ín the blood of several specíes pertaíníng to genera Oryzomys, Nectomys and Clyomys. In the blood of a Nectomys squamipes, another parasite namely Eperithrozoon sp,
was also faund. 4. Trtrpanosoma renjijoi Deane. 1961 was found in the blood of a Proechmys iheringi. 5. A 6th instar Porocepluüus crotali larva was found in the lung of an Akodon (Tluiptomus ) nígrita.
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