Occurence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus was researched ín 101 samples of sea products being 12 fishes, 5 shellfishes, 6 shrimps, 70 oysters and 8 samples of sea water. 75 positive samples were found, distributed as follows: 5 fishes, 2 shellfishes, 3 shrimps, 39 oysters and 6 samplss of sea water. 40 straíns whích were submitted to serological analysís by the Food and Drug Administration, U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare proved to be non-haemolytic and among them 17 different serological types were encountered.
1. BARKER JR., W.H. - Vibrio parahaemolyticus outbreaks in the United States. Lancet ; 1 (7857): 551-4, 1974.
2. BARROW, G. I. - Marine micro-organisms and food poisoning. In: HOBBS, B. C. & CHRISTIAN, J.H.B., ed. - The microbiological safety ot [ooâ, London, Academic Press, 1973. p. 190-6.
3. BARROW, G.l. & MILLER, D.C. - Vibrio parahaemolyticus: a potential pathogen from marine sources in Britain. Lancet, 1 (7748): 485-6, 1972.
4. BOCKEMUL, J. ; AMEDOME, A. & TRIEMER, A. Vibrio parahaemolyticus gastroenteritis during the El Tor cholera epidemic in Togo (West Africa). Am. J. trop. Med. Hyg., 24: 101-4, 1975.
5. BOLEN, J. L.; ZAMISKA, S.A. & GREENOUG IIl, W. B. - Clinical features in enteritis due to Vi brio parahaemolyticus. Am. J. Med., 57: 638-41, 1974.
6. BRADSHAW, J. G.; FRANCIS, D.W. & TWEDT, R.M. - Survival of Vi brio parahaemolyticus in cooked seafood at refrigeration temperatures. Appl. Microbiol., 27: 657-61, 1974.
7. DADISMAN JR., T.A.; NELSON, R; MOLENDA, J.R. & GARBER, H.J. - Vibrio parahaemolyticus gastroenteritis in Maryland. I. Clinical and epidemiological aspects. Am. J. Epiderniol., 96: 414-26, 1972.
8. DOKI CHUM; JAE KYO CHUNG; SUNG YONG SEOL & RYUNBIN TAK - Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the Republic of Korea. Am. J. trop. Med. Hyg., 23: 1125-9, 1974.
9. ESTADOS UNIDOS. Food and Drug Administration - Isolation and identification of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. [s.1.] F.D.A., may 5, 1972. [Multilitado]
10. FISHBEIN, M.; MEHLMAN, I.J. & PITCHER, J. - Isolation of 17ibrio parahaernolyticus from the processed meat of Chesapeake Bay blue crabs. Appl. Microbiol., 20: 176-8, 1970.
11 FISHBEIN, M. & OLSON JR., J. C. -- Vibrio parahaemolyticus: a real foodborne disease problem. FDA Papers, 5 (7): 16-22, 1971.
12. FISHBEIN, M. & WENTZ, B. - Vibrio parahaemolyticus methodology for isolation from seafoods and epidemic specímens. J. Milk Fd. Technol., 36: 118-23. 1973.
2. BARROW, G. I. - Marine micro-organisms and food poisoning. In: HOBBS, B. C. & CHRISTIAN, J.H.B., ed. - The microbiological safety ot [ooâ, London, Academic Press, 1973. p. 190-6.
3. BARROW, G.l. & MILLER, D.C. - Vibrio parahaemolyticus: a potential pathogen from marine sources in Britain. Lancet, 1 (7748): 485-6, 1972.
4. BOCKEMUL, J. ; AMEDOME, A. & TRIEMER, A. Vibrio parahaemolyticus gastroenteritis during the El Tor cholera epidemic in Togo (West Africa). Am. J. trop. Med. Hyg., 24: 101-4, 1975.
5. BOLEN, J. L.; ZAMISKA, S.A. & GREENOUG IIl, W. B. - Clinical features in enteritis due to Vi brio parahaemolyticus. Am. J. Med., 57: 638-41, 1974.
6. BRADSHAW, J. G.; FRANCIS, D.W. & TWEDT, R.M. - Survival of Vi brio parahaemolyticus in cooked seafood at refrigeration temperatures. Appl. Microbiol., 27: 657-61, 1974.
7. DADISMAN JR., T.A.; NELSON, R; MOLENDA, J.R. & GARBER, H.J. - Vibrio parahaemolyticus gastroenteritis in Maryland. I. Clinical and epidemiological aspects. Am. J. Epiderniol., 96: 414-26, 1972.
8. DOKI CHUM; JAE KYO CHUNG; SUNG YONG SEOL & RYUNBIN TAK - Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the Republic of Korea. Am. J. trop. Med. Hyg., 23: 1125-9, 1974.
9. ESTADOS UNIDOS. Food and Drug Administration - Isolation and identification of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. [s.1.] F.D.A., may 5, 1972. [Multilitado]
10. FISHBEIN, M.; MEHLMAN, I.J. & PITCHER, J. - Isolation of 17ibrio parahaernolyticus from the processed meat of Chesapeake Bay blue crabs. Appl. Microbiol., 20: 176-8, 1970.
11 FISHBEIN, M. & OLSON JR., J. C. -- Vibrio parahaemolyticus: a real foodborne disease problem. FDA Papers, 5 (7): 16-22, 1971.
12. FISHBEIN, M. & WENTZ, B. - Vibrio parahaemolyticus methodology for isolation from seafoods and epidemic specímens. J. Milk Fd. Technol., 36: 118-23. 1973.
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