A case of Fox-Fordyce disease was diagnosed through histo1ogic examination of a biopsy from the 1eft axilla. The patient was a white adult fema1e who presented an intense pruritus in both axillae. Fistu1ae appeared later. Hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, occ1usion of gland duots, dilation of appocrine gland ducts and a chronic inflamatory infiltrate of the outer annexes was noted. P AS and A1cian Blue staíníng techniques were positive for mucopolysaccharídes and acid mucopolysaccharides in the contents af the dilated ducts and glands. The saliva test for glycogen did not change the P A S and A1cian Blue tests.
1. BEOHELLI, L.M. & OURBAN, G.V. - Compêndio de dermatologia. São Paulo, [s.l.] 1960. p. 733-5.
2. GRAHAM, J.H.; SHAFER, J.O.; HELWIG, E. B. - Fox-Fordyce disease in male identical twins. Arch. Dertn, Shyph., 82: 212-21, 1960.
3. MONTEGOMERY, H. - Dermatopathology. New York, Harper & Row, c1967. v. 1, p. 501-5.
4. PEARSE, A. G. E. - Histoquímica teorica y aplicada. Versión espafiola de Tomas Palomo Salas. Madrid, Aguilar, 1960.
5. Ibid. p. 485-6.
6. SHELLEY, W.B. & LEVY, E.J. - Apocrine sweat retention in man. n. Fox-Fordyce Disease (apocrine miliaria). Arch. Derm., 73: 38-49, 1956.
2. GRAHAM, J.H.; SHAFER, J.O.; HELWIG, E. B. - Fox-Fordyce disease in male identical twins. Arch. Dertn, Shyph., 82: 212-21, 1960.
3. MONTEGOMERY, H. - Dermatopathology. New York, Harper & Row, c1967. v. 1, p. 501-5.
4. PEARSE, A. G. E. - Histoquímica teorica y aplicada. Versión espafiola de Tomas Palomo Salas. Madrid, Aguilar, 1960.
5. Ibid. p. 485-6.
6. SHELLEY, W.B. & LEVY, E.J. - Apocrine sweat retention in man. n. Fox-Fordyce Disease (apocrine miliaria). Arch. Derm., 73: 38-49, 1956.
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