Chromoblastomycosis in patient recovered from leprosy
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chromoblastomycosis in leprosy
Phialophora verrucosa
leprosy and chromoblastomycosis
dermatitis, verrucosa
Pedroso and Carrion's dísease
Lane and Pedroso's disease

How to Cite

Campos EP de, Guerra JM de M, Azevedo MM de, Ashcar H, Massignani AM, Cave JD. Chromoblastomycosis in patient recovered from leprosy . Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1975 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 5];35(1-2):41-6. Available from:


A 32 years old half-breed male coming from Amazonia, Brazil, had been treated with sulfone and was showíng sequelas ínc1uding dystrophic lesion of the extremitíes and hypocromia with anesthesia. On examination he showed an extensíve verrucous lesion on the 1eft hypochondrial regíon which had lasted 10 years and was resistant to varíous treatments. This lesion had apparently started when leprosy was in activity. A biopsy of the verrucous lesion showed the picture of verrucous dermatitis with fungi evidenced by comrnon and hístochemícal stainíng techniques. Inoculation of Sabouraud agar yíelded a giant colony whose members showed filaments and conidiospores with formation of cups typical of Phialophora verrucosa. Amphotericin was ínfiltrated in the lesion associated with natrium íodíde and recovery ensued. Dyschromic lesions showed lymphoplasmocytic infiltrate and absence of acid-fast bacílli.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


1. CONANT, N.F.; SMITH, D.T.; BAKER, R.D. & COLLARYAY, J.L. Manual de Micologia. 3ª ed. Barcelona, Interamericana, 1972. p. 402-4.

2. ESTADOS UNIDOS. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. Manual 01 histologic and special staining tecnics. Washington, D. C., 1957. p. 177.

3. Ibid. p. 190-1.

4. LACAZ, C.S. - Manual de micologia médica. 3. a ed. rev. ampl. Rio de Janeiro, Atheneu, 1960. p. 352-68.

5. TIBIRIÇÁ, P. Q. T. - Anatomia patológica da dermatite verrucosa cromomicótica. São Paulo, 1939. [Tese livre-doc. - Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo].
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Copyright (c) 1975 Instituto Adolfo Lutz Journal


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