The response to the antigenic stimulus of meníngococcic polysaccharide vaccine was evaIuated through passive haemaggIutination in individuaIs in the age group of O to older than 21 years old, Vaccine A was found to be more immunogenic than vaccine C. No cross reactíons were found between A and C polysaccharídes, The reaction proved to be specífíc for both groups of meningococcus, thus allowing correct diagnosis of meningococcíc dísease in many ínstances where other diagnostic test have faíled. The passíve haemagglutination was inefective as a díagnostícal test in patíents who had been vaccinated with AC antimeníngococcíc vaccine, because most of these patíents presented low haemagglutinating títles without serologícal conversion and, when it was present, It was not possible to know weather it was due do the vaccine or to the descase.
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