The toxic effect of hexachlorophene on guinea pigs
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toxic effect on guinea pigs

How to Cite

Pregnolatto W, Mendes J, Chahin CMT. The toxic effect of hexachlorophene on guinea pigs. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1977 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];37(1-2):1-6. Available from:


The present study showed that 5% hexachlorophene is toxic to guinea pigs. The tests were ma de on the skín of the ventral region, both depilated and non-depilated. The primary irritation was abserved 45 days after application and included in the skin. It was noted that subsequent generations of guinea pigs were even more sensitive to hexachlorophene. The toxic effect of the substanceabsorbed by the skin also extended to the internal organs of the anímals tested. An untreated contro l group was employed.
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