Comparative study of methods for determining total proteins (in cerebrospinal fluid)
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cerebrospinal fluid
total protein, methods for determination

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Vermes LMS, Ferri RG, Marlet JM. Comparative study of methods for determining total proteins (in cerebrospinal fluid). Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1977 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 5];37(1-2):11-6. Available from:


Four procedures for determining total protein in diluted biological fluids (specifically cerebrospinal fluid) were compared as to accuracy, precision, sensibility and fluid consumption, The methods investigated were: trichloroacetic acid turbidimetric method, colorimetry of the protein solutions previously treated
with alkaline-copper and Folin-Ciocalteu reagents (Lowry's method), the sulphosalicylic
acid turbidimetric method, and the procedure devised by Heer & Margni in which colorimetry is done on the eluate of the protein solution previously applied to a cellulose acetate strip and dyed. In an overall view, Lowry's method proved
to be the most suitable for routine determinations of total proteins in diluted biological fluids because of its higher accuracy, sensibility and lower amount of Iiquid required.
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