The authors have described a species of Hepatozon found in the bone marrow of the wild rat, Zygodontomys sp, This species of Hepatozoon is different from another previously described in Oryzomys sp. The authors, however, haven't given it a specific name as yet, pending the study of its evolution.
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2. CARINI, A. & MACIEL, J. - Sur une hémogrégarine et un trypanosome d'un Muridé (Akodon fuliginosus). Bull. Soco
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3. PESSõA, S. B. - Notas sobre alguns parasitas de ratos silvestres no Estado de São Paulo. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 34: 82-93, 1974.
4. PORTER, A. - Leucocytozoon musculi sp. N. a parasitic protozoa from the blood of whi te mice. Proe, zooi Soe. Lond., 2: 703, 1905.
5. WENYON, C.M. - Protozoology: A manual for medical men, veterinarians and zoologists. London, Bailliére, Tindall and
Cassel, 1965. v.2, p. 1111.
2. CARINI, A. & MACIEL, J. - Sur une hémogrégarine et un trypanosome d'un Muridé (Akodon fuliginosus). Bull. Soco
Pathol. exot., 8: 165-9, 1915.
3. PESSõA, S. B. - Notas sobre alguns parasitas de ratos silvestres no Estado de São Paulo. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 34: 82-93, 1974.
4. PORTER, A. - Leucocytozoon musculi sp. N. a parasitic protozoa from the blood of whi te mice. Proe, zooi Soe. Lond., 2: 703, 1905.
5. WENYON, C.M. - Protozoology: A manual for medical men, veterinarians and zoologists. London, Bailliére, Tindall and
Cassel, 1965. v.2, p. 1111.
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