Spectrophotometric determination of sodium inosinate and sodium guanilate in food flavor enhancers
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food flavor enhancers, sodíum íncsínate and sodium guanilate in glutamate
flavor enhancers in foods

How to Cite

Lara WH, Yabyku HY. Spectrophotometric determination of sodium inosinate and sodium guanilate in food flavor enhancers. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1977 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 5];37(1-2):37-45. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/37098


A símple and rapid method for anaIytical control of mixtures
containing 5' ribonucleotides in food fI avo r enhancers is presented. This method is
based upon differences in absorption in the ultraviolet region that these substances
show, A series of sarnples prepared with concentrations usually employed in food
fIavor enhancers yelded spectra showing the usefulness of the methcd proposed.

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Copyright (c) 1977 Instituto Adolfo Lutz Journal


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