The reproductive potencial of the BiomphaZaria glabrata and the Biomphalarui tenagophila strains found in Londrina was studied. In a labcratory
study, 60 adult specimens of each anaíl were observed for periods of 184 and 192 days, respectívely, The number of ovipoaitions and the egg/oviposition ratío were
recorded every day, The emhrionic developmerrt of both species was als o followed. All the spscímens of B. [JZabrata laid a total of 2,318 oviposi tions, with a mean of
24.15 eggs per oviposi tíon; the hatchíng rate was 89.58% and the median time of egg evolution was 14 days. The B. tena[Jophila specimens produced 1.233 ovipoaitions
with 27.10 eggs per ovípositton ; the hatehingrate was 72.30%, with the median time of egg evolutíon of 22 days, The statístícal analysis showed aigrrificarrt differences between the two species in relation to the number of ovipositions laid (fecundity), the psrcentage of egg hatehing (fertility), and the time required for smbrionary evolution, All these resulta indicate that the Londrina straín of B. [Jlabrata has a greater reproductive potencial than B. tena[Jophila from the sarne locality.
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