The semiquantitative method for analyzing inorganic mercury in food is based on the reaction of cuprous iodine, by spot test reaction on filter paper; The method comprises partial degradation of organic matter with nitric acid, under heating with an infrared lamp; reduction of mercury to an elemental state with stannous chloride and drag distillation with nitrogen. o mercury distillate is absorbed by a solution of potassium permanganate in an acidic medium which, after reduction with hydroxylamine hydrochloride, is identified by the limited reaction. The reaction is specific in the region of tenths of a ppm.
1. FEIGL, F. - Spot testo 4. ed. rev. Amsterdam, EIsevier, 1958. V. 1; Inorganic analysis, p. 65-6.
2. JONES, P. & NICKLESS, G. Gas chromatographic determination of mercury after conversion to" its methyl derivative. J. Chromatoçr., 89: 201-8, 1974.
3. STIJVE, T. & ROSCHNIK, R. - Mercury and methyl mercury content of different species of fungi. Trav. ehim, aliment; hyg., 65: 209-20, 1974.
2. JONES, P. & NICKLESS, G. Gas chromatographic determination of mercury after conversion to" its methyl derivative. J. Chromatoçr., 89: 201-8, 1974.
3. STIJVE, T. & ROSCHNIK, R. - Mercury and methyl mercury content of different species of fungi. Trav. ehim, aliment; hyg., 65: 209-20, 1974.
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