With the intent of expanding previous results this work set
out to verify the phosphorus content in cooked ham and similar products manufactured
in 27 establishments located in the states of São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, the region of the highest concentration of the
pork processing industry in Brazil. 222 samples were examined, being 109 of cooked
ham and 113 of similar products which are locally known as lean ham, pressed ham or Danish ham. The drying to a constant weight was done in an oven at 105°C
or on a special balance equiped with an infra-red radiation apparatus. The deterrnínation of phosphorus content, referred to as P.05' was done by a phosphomolibdic acid method, modified by the authors.
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3. BRASIL. Leis, decretos, etc. - Decreto nº 26 mar. 1965. Modifica o Decretoº 50.040 24 de janeiro de
1961, referente a normas reguladoras do emprego de aditivos para alimentos, alterado
pelo Decreto nº 691, de 13 de
março de 1962. Diário Oficial da União, Brasília, 9 abro 1965.
4. BRASIL. Ministério da Agricultura. Regulamento de inspeção industrial e sanitária
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5. DE MANN, J.M. - Analysis of phosphates in foods. In: SYMPOSIUM ON PHOSPHATES
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6. FRANCO, G. - Tabela de composição química dos alimentos. 3.a ed. Rio de Janeiro,
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7. GORDON, A. - Polyphosphates in processing of cured meats, Fd Manufac., 46 (10): 63-4, 1971.
8. GRANER, C.A.F.; MEIRA, D.R. & MUCCIOLO, P. - Determinação do teor de fósforo em produtos cárneos: r. Método para dosagem do fósforo. Rev. Inst, Adolio Lutz, 35/36: No prelo. 1975/76.
Determination du degré d'humidité de produits de charcuterie au moyen de Ia
balance a sechcir a lampe a inf'ra-rouge, et par des methods classiques. Annls Faleif . Expert. chim., 1977. [No prelo]
10. HAUSER, E.; KÜNZLER, W.; KASSAI, A. ~ FREY, U. - Die zusarnmensetzung von Kochschinken. Fleischwirtschaft,
54: 71-3, 1974.
11. INVERNIZZI, 1. & SAMPIETRO, C. - Dosaggio dei polifosfati aggiunti ai prosciuntti cotti e preparatí carnei. Boll. Laborat; chim. prov., 19: 865-70, 1968.
12. MAHON, J.H.; SCHLAMB, K. & BROTSKY, E. - General concepts applicable to the use of polyphosphates in red meats, poultry and seafood processing,
1970. [Proceedinys edited by DE MAN, J.M. & MELNYCHYM, P., Westport, Avi Publishing, 1971. p. 151-81]
13. MUCCIOLO, P.; MEIRA, D.R. & GRANER, C.A. F. - Polisfosfatos em conservas de carne. BoZ. Ofic. sanit: pan-amer., 1977. [No prelo]
14. MULLINS, A.M.; KELLEY, G.G. & BRADU, D. E. - The effect of various addítives on the stability of cured hams. Fd Technol.., 12: 227-30, 1958.
15. OHASHI, T. & SUGANO, S. - Combined effect of sodium chloride and polyphosphates
on the water-holding capacity of
various meat. J. Jap. Soe. Fd Nutr.,
26: 497-501, 1973.
16. PERRIN, C.H. & FERGUSON, P.A. - Note on the analysis of raw ham. J. Ass. off analit. Chem., 51: 971-2, 1968.
17. RONGEY, E.H.; KAHLENBERG, O.J. & NAUMANN, H.D. - Some factors influencing the uniformity and stability of color in cured hams. Fd Technol., 13: 640-4, 1959.
18. SWIFT, C.E. & ELLIS, n., - The action of phosphates in sausage products. I. Factors affecting the retention of phosphates treated ground meat. Fd T'echnoZ., 10: 546-9, 1956.
19. TIMS, M.J. & WATTS, B.M. - Protection of cooked meats with phosphates. Fd Technol., 12: 240-3, 1958.
20. VAN WAZER, J. R. - Chemistry of phosphates and condensed phosphates, In: SYMPOSIUM ON PHOSPHATES IN FOOD PROCESSING. Westport, 1970.
[Proceedinys edited by DE MAN, J.M. & MELNYCHYM, P., Westport, Avi Publishing, 1971. p. 1-23]
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