On the importance of testing for Beta-galactosidase in the laboratory identification of Neisseria lactamica
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Neisseria lactamica, identification

How to Cite

Lee IML, Pessôa GV Álvares, Esper MRNR, Melles CEA, Simonsen V. On the importance of testing for Beta-galactosidase in the laboratory identification of Neisseria lactamica. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1978 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 5];38(1):23-7. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/37114


During meningococcal-earrier surveys from the naso-pharynx,
deteetion of Neiseeria lactamica is most important beeause its serologie similarities to Neisseria meningitidis result in frequent cross-reaetions with standard N. meningitidis
antiserum. In a seareh for carriers among 1983 subjeets, it was found that 431 of the Neisseria strains resembled serologically N. meningitidis. These 431 strains were tested regarding lactose fermentation (10/0 in Difeo C.T.A. medium) and ortho-nithophenyl-{3-D-galaetopyranoside hydrolysis by the B-galatosidase. Of these
strains, 70 were found to be O.N.G.P. positive and from these, only 42 showed to be lactose utilizing strains, after 48 hours of ineubation (maximum time was 15 days). Laetose splitting revealed the finding of N. lactamica in 600/0 of the
samples tested and this oeeurred after a 48 hour observation. It is reeommended
that the B-galactosidase test be introdueed in the routine search for N. meningitidis,
moreso if it is a simple and rapid method whieh avoids diagnostic errors resulting
from eross antigenic reaetions.

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