A further case of human parasitism by Lagochilascaris minorLeiper, 1909
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Lagochilascaris minor
helminthiasis (human) by Lagochilascaris minor

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Corrêa MO Álvares, Hyakutake S, Brandi AJ, Monteiro CG. A further case of human parasitism by Lagochilascaris minorLeiper, 1909. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1978 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 5];38(1):59-65. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/37122


A summary of the 12 cases of human parasitism by Laçochilascaris minor Leiper, 1909 which had been previously published is preesnted. The parasite was found in the neck, masthoid, maxillary sinuses and retropharynx. A detailed review of the genus and the diagnostic key proposed by Sprent in 1971 are also presented for the 4 hitherto know species: L. major, L. turgida, L. buckleyi and L. minoro Subsequently a new case of human parasitism by L. minor is presented. A with 19-year old rural worker from Cuiabá state of Mato Grosso, was operated because of a clinical picture of temporo-zygomatic pan-masthoiditís on the right side and peripheric facial paralysis also on the right side. During surgery, a chronic masthoiditis with proliferating tissues, purulent exudate was found as weU as filiform, whitish, cylindrical worms located in muscle tissue. The worm specimens were later identified as Lagochilascaris minor Leiper, 1909 with subsequent confirmation by Sprent. Photographs of adult worms and of the excised tissue with numerous worms embedded as well...

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2. BRENES-MADRIGAL, R.R. & RUIZ, A. - Discovery of Lagochilascaris sp. in thé larynx of a Costa Rican ocelot (Felis pardalis mearnsi): J. Parasit., 58: 978, 1972.

3. DURETTE, M.C. Remarque sur les anomalies du genre Laçochilascaris, Bull. Soc. Path. ex., 56: 129-33, 1963.

4. LEÃO, R.; LEÃO F.o, J.; DIAS, L.B. & CALHEIROS, L. B. - Infecção humana pelo Lagochilascaris minor Leiper, 1909. Caso observado no Hospital Barros Barreto. In: CONGRESSO DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE MEDICINA TROPICAL, 3.°, Brasilia, 1977, p. 187. [Resumos de trabalhos].

5. OOSTBURG, B. F. J. - Thiabendoze therapy of Lap ochilaecaris minor in Surinam: report of a case. Am. J. trop. Med, & Hyg., 20: 580-3, 1971.

6. SPRENT, J.F.A. - Speciation and development in the genus Lagrochilascaris, Parasitology, 62: 71-112, 1971.

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Copyright (c) 1978 Instituto Adolfo Lutz Journal


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