Assessment of -the protection conferred by anti-group C meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine to 6 to 36 month-old children
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vaccine, polysaccharide meningococcal
Neisseria meniouritidis, serogroup C
meningitis, meningococcic

How to Cite

Taunay AE, Feldman RA, Bastos C de O, Galvão PAA, Morais J de S, Castro I de O. Assessment of -the protection conferred by anti-group C meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine to 6 to 36 month-old children. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1978 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];38(2):77-82. Available from:


A description is ma de of the methodology employed to assess the protection conferred by the Merck, Sharp & Dohme anti-meningococcic vaccine
which was used a mass vaccination compaign conducted in the City of São Paulo, Brazil, during an epidemic. The etiologic agent of this epidemic was identified
as type C Neisseria meningitidis. For the assessment, 6 to 36 month-old children were chosen among those vaccinated from December 12 to 22, 1972. The sample included 67,299 children who received the vaccine and 67.299 who received a placebo (diph theric- tetanic toxoide). Surveillance of the total 134,549 children was ma de until June 3, 1974, when it was interrupted because of the occurrence of a new
epidemic during which patients were admitted to various hospitais rather than to a single one, as in the study epidemic. It was concluded that those children who were 24 to 36 month-old at the time of vaccination showed a lower attack rate when the agent was type C N. meningitidis.
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