Use of laboratory methodologies to confirm an outbreak of acute diarrheal disease caused by multiple pathogens


Waterborne Diseases
Protozoan Infections

How to Cite

Marciano MAM, Silva RA, Barbosa ML, Pinto PL da S, Gava R, Pereira-Chioccola VL. Use of laboratory methodologies to confirm an outbreak of acute diarrheal disease caused by multiple pathogens. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 19 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];81:1-13,e37253. Available from:


 The aim of this study was to investigate an outbreak caused by protozoa, which occurred in a municipality in the Brazil southern region. The investigations were carried out analyzing 47 fresh stool samples and 26 water samples by parasitological and molecular methods, as well as, direct immunofluorescence. After the filtrations of water samples and purification of stool samples, the concentrates were evaluated microscopically for presence of parasites. Molecular analyses were performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for DNA detection of Giardia spp., Cryptosporidium
parvum, C. hominis and Cyclospora cayetanensis. Out of 26 water samples, 30.8% (8/26) had waterborne protozoa and C. cayetanensis was the most prevalent (15.5%). Out of the 47 stool samples, 23.4% (11/47) were infected with
C. cayetanensis and Giardia spp. The results showed that backwash water samples from filters of the Water Treatment Station were contaminated with C. cayetanensis, C. hominis and Giardia spp., suggesting the contamination of water sources with human waste brought by sewage. These results show the importance of protozoa investigation in water and stool samples by laboratory methodologies principally in outbreaks causing acute diarrheal disease.


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