Physical-chemical properties of pre-made pizza dough and their relashionship with the development of molds and yeast
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pizza quality
molds and yeast on pizza

How to Cite

Helena da Silva Pinho B, Ines F. Machado M, B. Furlong E. Physical-chemical properties of pre-made pizza dough and their relashionship with the development of molds and yeast. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2001 Jun. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];60(1):35-41. Available from:


Bakery industries have been developing and expanding the range of products offered for commercial sale. Pizzas are being well accepted, because they are cheap, easy to prepare and have a good nutritional value. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition, quality indexes and their relation with colony-forming units (CFU) under refrigeration and room temperature. Results showed that the refrigeration temperature didnt influence the increase of molds and yeast contamination during storage periods. The level of these microorganisms contents was above maximum limits established by national legislation. This situation suggests that sanitary conditions, during the process, package and storage of the product contribute to the increase of contamination under or without refrigeration temperature. The values of pH and acid index (5,7 and 1,0 mg NaOH.
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