Visceral leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease with a chronic course and potentially fatal systemic involvement. It is a zoonosis of concern to public health authorities due to its presence in Brazil, especially in the Northeast Region, which has a high concentration of cases. Theobjective of this study was to identify the incidence, number of cases by sex, age group and level of education, HIV co-infection, average length of hospital stay, average cost, and in-hospital mortality in the period from 2012 to 2022 in the Northeastern Region through a survey of secondary data publicly provided by DATASUS. There was a decline in the number of cases starting in 2019, with a significant decrease in 2021 and an apparent stabilization in 2022. The most affected states were Maranhão (23.37%), Ceará (16.51%) and Bahia (12.51%). A higher incidence was observed in males, accounting for 67.10% of the total, and in the age group of 40-59 years, with 20.58%. There was also a higher prevalence in individuals with incomplete primary education (57% of the cases), as well as HIV co infection in 10.69% of cases. The average length of hospital stay was 13 days, with an average cost of R$ 491.00 per...
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Copyright (c) 2024 Victor Hugo Ferraz da Silva, Leonardo Luiz de Freitas, Yago Abilio Silva Santos, Diego dos Passos Santiago, Aline Dalarme Gomes Galvão, Sara Maria da Cruz Lima, Beatriz Ferreira Couto, Alexandre Machado de Andrade