Different techniques are available for the preparation of fatty acid methyl esters, each having advantages and disadvantages. The method of METACALFE et alii utilizes the reagent BF3-MeOH which is expensive and imported that of HARTMAN and LAGO employs common reagents but requires great amount of glassware and manipulations. Putting together the beneficial features of the two methods mentioned, a new method that provides speed, simplicity and low cost was evaluated. The methylating reagent of HARTMAN and LAGO and the rest of the procedure of METACALFE et alii were used, all the stages being carried out in a test lube. This method was compared with that of METACALFE et alii, utilizing the muscle lipid of Piaractus mesopotamicus and Sardinella brasiliensls. Separation and quantitation of the fatty acids were accomplished by high resolution gas cromatography. No significant differences were observed at 5% leveI in the percentages of 18 fatty acids of P. mesopotamicus. Of 36 fatty acids of S. brasiliensis, only two showed significant difference at 5% leveI. Even with this two fatty acids, the difference was not significant at 1% level. The two method were therefore shown to be equivalent. These two methods also gave similar results with lipids of Prochilodus scrofa; Oreochromis niloticus and Colossoma macropomum, demonstrating the wide applicability of the proposed method.
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